Quality is a family matter
Head of HOVEN Hydraulik are the brothers Dietmar and Rolf Hoven leading the company in third generation. Their philosophy “Technology that moves” is today’s company claim. There is one more word, as they add in conversation, that would fit into this guiding principle. “It might as well be Technology that moves itself”, they confirm in unison.
In fact, Dietmar and Rolf Hoven like to face technological challenges and aim for the development of the existing know-how and acquired skills. Together with continuous investments in state of the art production processes and machines, this approach is their key to sustainable success of the company.
Executive Board

Dietmar Hoven
Telefon: +49 (0)2402-96 53 0

Rolf Hoven
Telefon: +49 (0)2402-96 53 0